Knowl. Manag. Aquat. Ecosyst.
Number 422, 2021
Topical issue on Crayfish
Article Number 19
Number of page(s) 6
Published online 11 May 2021
  • Ahn DH, Min GS. 2016. First report of the branchiobdellidan Holtodrilus truncatus (Annelida: Clitellata) found on the freshwater atyid shrimp Neocaridina sp. from Korea. J Species Res 5: 459–462. [CrossRef] [Google Scholar]
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  • Ohtaka A, Gelder SR, Nishino M, Ikeda M, Toyama H, Cui YD, He XB, Wang HZ, Chen RB, Wang ZY. 2012. Distributions of two ectosymbionts, branchiobdellidans (Annelida: Clitellata) and scutariellids (Platyhelminthes: “Turbellaria”: Temnocephalida), on atyid shrimp (Arthropoda: Crustacea) in southeast China. J Nat Hist 46: 1547–1556. [Google Scholar]
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