Table 2

Detection limit of A. anguilla (LOD) of droplet digital PCR (ddPCR) using 6 serial dilution for three different conditions a) Singleplex ddPCR (eel's primers and eel's template) (ii) SingleplexDuplex ddPCR (eel's primers and both A. anguilla and S. glanis templates) (iii) Duplex ddPCR (eel's and catfish's primers and both A. anguilla and S. glanis templates). The LOD is indicated in bold for each condition. Mean copies/μl (n = 3) and CV% between the three replicates CV=SDMean*100 are given for each dilution and each condition.

Eel DNA Singleplex Singleplex − Duplex Duplex

Concentration (ng/μL) Mean copies/μL Positive replicate CV% Mean copies/μL Positive replicate CV% Mean copies/μL Positive replicate CV%
1.5 3219 100% 5.01 2899 100% 3.52 2837 100% 3.06
0.15 441 100% 8.67 253 100% 2.53 256 100% 6.78
0.015 33.13 100% 4.10 15.96 100% 1.91 15.46 100% 13.21
0.0015 3.43 100% 8.90 0.07 100% 49.5 0.22 100% 44.41
0.00015 0.27 100% 11.2 0 0% 0.02 33%
0.000015 0 0% 0 0% 0 0%
0.0000015 0 0% 0 0% 0 0%

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