Table 1

Streams investigated in the present study, with municipality/locality, altitude on sea level of the starting point of each transect (Alt) and environmental features of the streams. Av height = average water height in the transect, during the sampling occasions. Av width = average width of the streambed within the transect. Av substratum = prevailing substratum in the riverbed, classified as megalithal (rocks and stones of >40 cm in diameter), macrolithal (stones between 20 and 40 cm in diameter), mesolithal (stones between 6 and 20 cm in diameter) and microlithal (small stones between 2 and 6 cm in diameter) (Buffagni and Erba, 2007). Riparian vegetation = presence of vegetation (trees and bushes) both autocthonous and allocthonous, along the banks of the stream. Streams hosting crayfish are highlighted in bold.

Stream Municipality Alt Av height Av width Av substratum Riparian Vegetation
Bagnone Bagnone (Corlaga) 305 m a.s.l. <30 cm <10 m Prevailing megalithal and macrolithal; very homogeneous Present
Canal della Ghiaia Villafranca in Lunigiana (Irola) 210 m a.s.l. <30 cm <3 m Prevailing mesolithal and coarse organic material (dead leaves, mud, dead wood) Present
Caprio Filattiera (Rocca Sigillina) 345 m a.s.l. <50 cm <5 m Highly prevailing megalithal, plus macrolithal Present
Civasola Pontremoli (Gravagna San Rocco) 663 m a.s.l. <20 cm < 3 m Prevailing microlithal, coarse organic material (dead leaves, mud, dead wood) and artificial substratum Present
Fiume Zeri (Noce di Zeri) 595 m a.s.l. <20 cm <10 m Prevailing mesolithal and macrolithal; very homogeneous Scarce
Fiume2 Zeri (Villaggio degli Aracci) 1095 m a.s.l. <50 cm <5 m Prevailing mesolithal and macrolithal Present
Geriola Mulazzo (Stallone-Talavorno) 205 m a.s.l. <20 cm <10 m Prevailing macrolithal; very homogenous Present
Mangiola Mulazzo (Montereggio) 470 m a.s.l. <60 cm <5 m Prevailing megalithal and macrolithal Present
Magra Pontremoli (Pracchiola) 650 m a.s.l. <20 cm <10 m Prevailing megalithal and dead wood Present
Verdesina Pontremoli (Guinadi) 465 m a.s.l. <60 cm <5 m Prevailing megalithal and macrolithal Present

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