Knowl. Manag. Aquat. Ecosyst.
Number 423, 2022
Topical issue on Crayfish
Article Number 9
Number of page(s) 11
Published online 25 February 2022

Supplementary Material

Appendix 1. Position of the 14 landmarks on the dorsal side of Astacus astacus cephalon. Landmarks 1, 2 and 14 describe apex; Landmarks 1, 2, 3, 4, 12, 13 and 14 describe rostrum; Landmarks 7 and 8 describe lateral edge of cervical groove; Landmarks 4, 5, 6, 10, 11 and 12 describe postorbital ridges.

Appendix 2. Cephalon shape variation of Astacus astacus revealed by Canonical Variate Analysis on a priori defined genetic lineages accounting for uneven sample size. Scatter plots of the first two canonical variate axes (CV1 and CV2) are shown. Different colour dots represent individuals assigned to certain genetic lineages (blue, Lineage 2; grey, Lineage 4; yellow, Lineages 2/4). Separation of the genetic lineages is also represented by Mahalanobis distance dendrograms.

Appendix 3. Cephalon shape variation of Astacus astacus revealed by Canonical Variate Analysis on a priori defined genetic clusters accounting for uneven sample size. Scatter plots of the first canonical variate axis (CV1) are shown. Different colour dots represent individuals assigned to certain genetic cluster (blue, Cluster I; yellow, Cluster II).

Appendix 4. Cephalon shape variation of Astacus astacus revealed by Canonical Variate Analysis on individuals affiliated to different river basin accounting for uneven sample size. Scatter plots of the first two canonical variate axes (CV1 and CV2). Different colour dots represent individuals assigned to certain river basin (blue, Drava; grey, Sava; yellow, Danube). Separation of the river basins is also represented by Mahalanobis distance dendrograms.

Appendix 5. Cephalon shape variation of Astacus astacus revealed by Canonical Variate Analysis on individuals affiliated to different habitat type accounting for uneven sample size. Scatter plots of the first canonical variate axis (CV1). Different colour dots represent individuals assigned to certain habitat type (blue, lentic; yellow, lotic).

Appendix 6. Regression analysis between shape and centroid size showing associated shape changes corresponding to positive (upper) and negative (lower) extremes (shape changes are displayed with scale factors magnified x100 to ease interpretation).

Appendix 7. Cephalon shape variation of Astacus astacus revealed by Canonical Variate Analysis after removing allometric component of shape. Scatter plots of the first two canonical variate axes (CV1 and CV2) with associated wireframe representations depicting shape changes along positive and negative extremes of the axes. Dark blue landmark wireframe configurations represent cephalon morphologies along extremes, while light blue average landmark wireframe configurations. Different colour dots represent different groups: (A) genetic lineage, (B) genetic cluster, (C) river basin, (D) habitat type.

Appendix 8. Detailed results of linear models.

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© L. Lovrenčić et al., Published by EDP Sciences 2022

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