Table 1

List of indicator genera of benthic diatom flora by clusters along the Sangker river catchment, Tonle Sap basin (number of permutations = 999).

Clusters Codes Genera Family Category Stats p-value
Ia BACI Bacillaria J.F.Gmelin Bacillariaceae Biraphid 0.023 *
ENCP Encyonopsis Krammer Cymbellaceae Biraphid 0.045 *
Ib GOGO Gogorevia Kulikovskiy, Glushchenko Maltsev & Kociolek Achnanthidiaceae Monoraphid 0.012 *
FITU Fistulifera Lange-Bertalot Stauroneidaceae Biraphid 0.042 *
II FRUS Frustulia Rabenhorst Amphipleuraceae Biraphid 0.001 ***
CHAM Chamaepinnularia Lange-Bertalot & Krammer Sellaphoraceae Biraphid 0.006 **
STEN Stenopterobia Brébisson Surirellaceae Biraphid 0.004 **
Ia & Ib AMPH Amphora Ehrenberg Catenulaceae Biraphid 0.001 ***
CYMB Cymbella C. Agardh Cymbellaceae Biraphid 0.001 ***
ACHD Achnanthidium Kützing Achnanthidiaceae Monoraphid 0.001 ***
MAYA Mayamaea Lange-Bertalot Incertae sedis Biraphid 0.001 ***
SMNA Seminavis D.G.Mann Naviculaceae Biraphid 0.004 **
SURI Surirella Turpin Surirellaceae Biraphid 0.014 *
SIMO Simonsenia Lange-Bertalot Bacillariaceae Biraphid 0.01 *
Ib & II EUNO Eunotia Ehrenberg Eunotiaceae Brachyraphid 0.021 *
DIAM Diadesmis Kützing Diadesmidaceae Biraphid 0.013 *

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