Table 2

Cross analysis of the taxa temporal trends according to “Density” and “Occupancy_Rate” indicators and their contributions to the metrics composing the index. The blank cells indicate that the taxon does not contribute to the calculation of the metric. The metrics in bold are those displaying significant temporal trends. The arrows indicate the significant population indicator trend associated to the metric (i.e., “Density” in case of the density-based metrics, “Occupancy_rate” in case of richness metrics). The dots mean that the taxon contributes to the calculation of the metric but displays no significant population trend. The slope significance threshold was set at 10% in order reduce the risk of missing some relationships (Wang et al., 2020). The taxa showing no significant trend either for “Density” or “Occupancy_rate” indicators for both datasets are not shown (9 species). However, these last taxa temporal tendencies are detailed in Fig. S3.


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