Fig. 1

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Maps showing the Rio Grande and the study area in the Middle Rio Grande in central New Mexico. Panel (a) depicts the Rio Grande, major cities, the Isleta and San Acaica Diversion dams, and Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge in New Mexico, USA. Panel (b) shows the Rio Grande, Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge, USGS streamflow gage near San Antonio (No. 08355490), and isolated pools where the water quality sondes were deployed and discrete water samples were collected. Panel (c) shows the location of the Rio Grande, San Acacia Diversion Dam, locations of deployed temperature loggers, USGS streamflow gages below San Acacia (No. 08354900) and Escondida (No.83555050). Panel (d) shows the Rio Grande, Isleta Diversion Dam, USGS streamflow gage (No. 08354900) and water quality sonde on the Rio Grande at Central Bridge, a water quality sonde on the Rio Grande at Rio Bravo Bridge, and select drain outfalls where discharge was measured and water quality sensors were deployed upstream of the confluence with the Rio Grande.
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