Open Access

Table 2

Key physical properties shown as mean, maximum, and minimum values for stream sites subjected to weed cutting by boat (deep), boat (shallow), scythe, and uncut.

Treatment group Slope (‰) Width (m) Depth (m) Catchment area (km2) % Agriculture in catchment

Average Range Average Range Average Range Average Range Average Range
Boat (deep) 0.27 0.01–0.66 6.7 2.6–12.1 0.74A 0.38–1.04 78.6AB 11.1–31.3 58 35–74
Boat (shallow) 0.21 0.16–0.44 6.1 3.1–10.8 0.76A 0.33–1.48 533.8A 5.7–1818.3 62 22–80
Scythe 0.35 0.19–0.77 4.4 3.2–5.4 0.48B 0.13–0.96 104.4B 5.8–306.1 68 33–80
Uncut 0.41 0.20–0.75 4.9 3.1–15.4 0.34B 0.12–0.96 44.0B 2.3–377.4 68 43–84

Values on slope, width, and depth are based on measurements in August-September. Catchment area and % agriculture in catchment were quantified using GIS. Capital letters indicate significant differences (Bonferroni post hoc test, p < 0.05).

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