Table 1

Characteristics of the lakes and water reservoirs (WR) studied: surface area (S), mean depth (H), annual water circulation (AWC), annual average of chlorophyll a (Chl), total nitrogen (NT), and total phosphorus (PT) (Anonymous, 2015). The presence of Paramysis lacustris is indicated by an asterisk.

No. Lake S (ha) H (m) AWC (%) Chl (μg/L) NT (μg/L) PT (μg/L) P. lacustris
1 Aisetas 501 10.4 123 2.56 1280.7 22.6
2 Antalieptė WR 1911 7.2 102 3.56 786.9 24.0 *
3 Asveja 982 14.9 46 3.76 999.9 14.1
4 Baluošas 426 10.7 103 3.83 601.7 16.7
5 Daugai 911 13.2 12 4.55 972.8 28.6 *
6 Drūkšiai 4480 7.6 29 8.35 1026.2 70.1 *
7 Dusia 2334 15.4 6 6.56 903.2 34.4 *
8 Luodis 1320 6.7 35 9.67 805.3 29.5
9 Lūšiai 391 13.9 249 2.76 665.2 17.9 *
10 Plateliai 1182 11.4 12 2.65 593.5 21.8
11 Zarasas 323 11.5 124 4.98 1208.1 19.1
12 Žeimenys 436 6.9 698 12.18 749.5 39.7 *

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