Open Access

Table 1

Basic limnological characteristics of the studied lakes.

Skomielno Czarne Sosn. Tomaszne Krzczeń
Area (ha) 75 38 95 174
Max. depth (m) 3.5 15.6 3.1 5.2
SWAm. (cm)a 5–8 n.d. 12–32 4–28
Frequency of WLFsa 0–1 n.d. 1–2 0–1
TSI SD + P tot. + Chl-a 51 65 67 80
Trophic status Meso-eutrophic Eutrophic Eutrophic Hypertrophic
Submerged macrophyte cover (% of lake area) 33b 9c 39d 28d
Emergent macrophyte cover (% of lake area) 49b 19c 13e 20e
Use of the lake Private user special angling site No manager Private fish farm special angling site Polish Angling Association
Fishery management Fish stocking, used by anglers No fish stocking, used by anglers Fish stocking, used by anglers Fish stockingf, used by anglers

SWAm − Seasonal water amplitude and WLF − the frequency of water level fluctuations per season according to: aSuchora (2012), Pawlik-Skowrońska and Toporowska (2016), n.d. − no data. Macrophyte cover according to: bSender (2012), cSender (2016), dMieczan et al. (2016), eapproximate data obtained from the calculations based on satellite images, f

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