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Fig. 2


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Frequency (bars) and distribution (boxplots) of the genetic diversity values a) mean number of alleles, b) mean allelic richness, c) observed heterozygosity, and d) expected heterozygosity of 77 samples of Baltic brown trout from Carlsson and Carlsson (2002), Carlsson and Nilsson (2000), Lehtonen et al. (2009), Nilsson et al. (2008), Östergren et al. (2015), Samuiloviene et al. (2009), Was and Bernaś (2016), and Was and Wenne (2002) (Tab. 2). Asterisks and dashed lines mark the respective values of the Virgulica creek brood stock of which n = 25 specimens were examined in the present study (a: 3.40, b: 3.80, c: 0.52, d: 0.53).

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