Table 1

The t-test analysis for environmental parameters: comparison of sampling sites in which Pseudorasbora parva was present and those in which it was absent. p < 0.05 is in bold.

Environmental parameters P. parva absence
P. parva presence
N values Mean (±St. Dev.) N values Mean (±St. Dev.) Minimum Maximum t value p
Distance from the source (km) 382 20.624 ± 25.601 64 70.460 ± 61.739 4.000 216.000 9.643 0.000
Watershed area (km2) 382 187.282 ± 432.977 64 945.810 ± 1459.871 15.700 6349.700 9.736 0.000
Altitude (m a.s.l.) 391 317.349 ± 143.001 65 183.803 ± 73.613 42.000 410.000 7.988 0.000
Average slope (%) 388 2.188 ± 1.727 66 2.05 ± 1.850 0.160 9.800 0.750 0.453
pH (units) 397 8.074 ± 1.110 68 8.042 ± 0.300 7.110 8.920 1.076 0.283
Conductivity (μ at 25°C) 396 570.441 ± 197.189 68 777.935 ± 326.037 400.000 2220.000 3.840 0.000
BOD5 (mg.L-1) 367 1.749 ± 2.140 66 3.376 ± 2.817 0.600 21.000 6.786 0.000
COD (mg.L-1) 341 8.501 ± 8.798 62 9.889 ± 5.556 0.339 46.000 2.920 0.004
NNO3 (mg.L-1) 389 1.689 ± 3.041 68 2.289 ± 2.030 0.057 10.600 4.114 0.000
NNO2 (mg.L-1) 389 0.033 ± 0.099 68 0.063 ± 0.112 0.003 0.760 2.829 0.005
NNH3 (mg.L-1) 390 0.229 ± 1.555 68 0.205 ± 0.290 0.006 12.300 2.952 0.003
SO4 (mg.L-1) 389 52.668 ± 59.948 68 72.217 ± 39.284 16.000 278.000 5.640 0.000
PPO4 (mg.L-1) 351 0.059 ± 0.098 59 0.132 ± 0.199 0.003 1.820 5.779 0.000
Ptot (mg.L-1) 345 0.073 ± 0.128 64 0.165 ± 0.224 0.003 2.200 5.644 0.000
Cl (mg.L-1) 389 18.894 ± 18.929 68 31.878 ± 20.092 10.300 120.000 7.427 0.000
Water temperature (°C) 378 13.867 ± 4.699 63 17.380 ± 4.764 6.300 28.300 5.093 0.000
Dissolved oxygen (mg.L-1) 383 9.373 ± 2.192 66 8.416 ± 2.617 1.970 17.000 4.196 0.000
Extended Biotic Index (EBI) 380 7.826 ± 2.018 65 6.811 ± 1.237 3.000 9.000 5.484 0.000
EBI Quality Class 388 2.328 ± 0.831 66 2.846 ± 0.718 2.000 5.000 4.258 0.000
Width (m) 330 6.531 ± 6.376 42 12.868 ± 7.359 0.800 28.500 6.405 0.000
Depth (m) 316 0.343 ± 0.230 40 0.493 ± 0.289 0.100 1.700 4.085 0.000
Average current speed (m.s-1) 351 0.283 ± 0.272 45 0.214 ± 0.135 0.035 0.718 1.406 0.160
Flow rate (m3.s-1) 364 0.810 ± 1.533 47 1.197 ± 1.351 0.002 5.600 1.716 0.087
Wetted river section (m2) 344 1.729 ± 2.348 45 3.904 ± 3.654 0.052 16.088 5.652 0.000
Average shaded surface (units) 394 2.303 ± 1.418 66 1.303 ± 1.336 0.000 4.000 5.656 0.000
Cover (units) 393 2.458 ± 1.150 66 2.197 ± 1.292 0.000 4.000 2.141 0.033
Canopy cover (units) 388 0.948 ± 1.050 65 0.923 ± 1.108 0.000 4.000 0.397 0.692
Substrate size (units) 398 4.848 ± 2.356 68 4.179 ± 2.480 1.000 7.000 2.128 0.034

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