Table 3

Biological and environmental conditions. Sequence indicates the order in which trials were performed. Sample size (n) as total number of attempts and available fish (between parentheses), number of fish that staged attempts within each trial (Attempting), and total number of attempts staged (Attemptstot) for each species–treatment combination. Condition Factor (CF) = 100·M·FL -3 (M: mass (g); FL: Fork Length (cm)). (mean ± SD).

Species Flow rate Sequence Attempting Attemptstot Fork length Condition Factor
-FL- mm –CF– g · cm -3

Male Female Male Female
Brown trout Low 3 4 5
n = 32 (20) Medium 1 8 11 219.5 ± 32.8 223.2 ± 36.5 1.14 ± 0.08 1.15 ± 0.11
High 2 11 16
Barbel Low 3 9 26
n = 106 (17) Medium 1 10 54 241.8 ± 58.2 250.3 ± 46.9 1.50 ± 0.17 1.42 ± 0.09
High 2 9 26
Nase Low 3 3 8
n = 31 (8) Medium 1 4 17 238.6 ± 75.0 286.7 ± 40.7 1.20 ± 0.16 1.28 ± 0.11
High 2 3 6

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