Table 1

Date, time and flow rate of the trials for the species under study. Hours are in solar time (12:00 h coincides with the highest sun elevation).

First test Second test Third test

Trout Barbel & Nase Trout Barbel & Nase Trout Barbel & Nase
Start date 11/26/2010 05/31/2011 11/29/2010 06/02/2011 12/01/2010 06/04/2011
Start solar time 14:30 h 08:00 h 12:30 h 08:00 h 16:30 h 08:00 h

Discharge flow Medium (0.334 ± 0.006 m3·s-1) High (0.402 ± 0.006 m3·s-1) Low (0.245 ± 0.005 m3·s-1)

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