Table 3

Selected GLM models (with their Explained deviance and Adjustment quality) for richness and abundance of native amphibian larvae, in San Carlos. All the used exploratory variables are listed. For each selected exploratory variable, the estimated coefficient, the residual deviance, the P-value, and the effect (positive “+” or negative “–”) are included. When a variable was not selected by the model it is indicated with a "NI" (not included).

GLM Estimated coefficient Residual deviance P-value Effect
Tadpole richness (Explained deviance 34.6; Adjustment quality 0.98)
(Intercept) 1.03      
Bullfrog presence 0.66 27.7 0.048
Pond area       NI
Fish presence       NI
Macrophyte cover 1.01 21.2 0.011 +
Tadpole abundance (Explained deviance 46.9; Adjustment quality 1.2)
(Intercept) 72.63      
Bullfrog presence 0.12 44.6 0.026
Pond area 1.00 31.2 0.00026
Fish presence 0.25 26.3 0.026
Macrophyte cover       NI

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