Conservation genetics
Open Access

Table 4

Genetic diversity of the analyzed samples measured with: Expected heterozygosity (He, unbiased parameter of Nei 1978), Observed heterozygosity (Ho), mean number of alleles by locus (A) and Allele richness (Ar after rarefaction calculation). For the sea trout sample, He cannot be calculated because, composed of several independent captures, it does not represent a population. For each parameter, high values are indicated in grey.

  Rivers He Ho Ar
st01 Mediterraneanseatrout 0.741 4.82
st02 Dranse d'Abondance 0.663 0.610 3.85
st03 Saine 0.746 0.616 4.08
st04 Merlue 0.783 0.619 4.33
st05 Ain 0.789 0.677 4.62
st06 Riotet 0.636 0.591 3.6
st07 Isère 0.718 0.611 4.27
st08 Drac 0.809 0.589 4.88
st09 Véore 0.725 0.633 4
st10 Dorne 0.644 0.586 3.24
st11 Drôme 0.625 0.571 3.36
st12 Bez 0.761 0.618 4.31
st13 Ardèche 0.673 0.657 3.78
st14 Ouvèze 0.560 0.560 3.09
st15 Cèze 0.781 0.690 4.71
st16 Sorgue 0.613 0.610 3.48
st17 Durance 0.766 0.671 4.39
st18 Lake Lauzanier 0.561 0.411 3.11
st19 Ubayette 0.619 0.516 3.22
st20 Pas-de-Calais hatchery 0.805 0.739 4.93
st21 Seine-Maritime hatchery 0.798 0.743 4.4
st22 Oise hatchery 0.690 0.641 3.6
st23 Ain hatchery 0.818 0.810 4.62
st24 Isère hatchery 0.736 0.700 3.99
st25 Hautes-Pyrénées hatchery 0.814 0.796 4.69
st26 Haute-Garonne hatchery 0.851 0.822 5.19
st27 Pyrénées-Atlantiques hatchery 0.672 0.557 3.5

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