Conservation genetics
Open Access

Table 3

Genotypes and mtDNA sequences lengths (bp) of the sea trout samples with details on tissues used for DNA extraction (Ѡ = eggs, DT = digestive tract, F = fin, S = scales), locality, date of capture and total length. na = no amplification. Trout 1c, with 4 missing loci, has been removed.

Tissue Locality Year Size (mm) Ssa197 Oneμ9 SsoSL-311 Omy21DIAS Sfo1 MST 543 Omm1105 mtDNA
1a ω DT Diffluence Grand/Petit Rhône R. 2004 545 131135 203203 134150 122122 118132 126146 274294 na
1b F Gardon R. (at Comps) 2007 520 123127 201211 128148 100102 106118 124146 262262 na
1d S ? ? 131135 205205 134150 120122 118132 126146 274294 na
1e S Var R. (Napoléon 3 threshold) 2005 190 123127 205211 142152 126126 114134 122122 242294 na
1f S Var R. (Napoléon 3 threshold) 2005 200 123135 203205 128150 108114 110118 126146 258294 489bp
1g S Var R. (Napoléon 3 threshold) 2005 205 127135 205205 130156 114122 0 122122 238258 490bp
1h S Sorgues de Valleron R. 2004 380 123127 205205 130142 106114 116138 124146 262274 na
1i S Mediterranean (4 miles off Nice) 2005 127127 0 130130 120122 130130 0 242266 270bp

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