Conservation genetics
Open Access

Table 2

Characteristics of the seven microsatellite loci. The second column indicates the gathering of each locus to one of the three multiplexes developed.

Locus Multiplex Primers concentration References
MST543 C 0.15 μM Presa et al., 1994
Omm1105 A 0.8 μM Rexroad et al., 2002
OMY21DIAS B 0.1 μM Holm and Bendixen 2000
Oneμ9 C 0.2 μM Scribner et al., 1996
Sfo1 A 0.1 μM Angers et al., 1995
Ssa197 A 0.2 μM O'Reilly et al., 1996
SsoSL311 C 0.6 μM Slettan et al., 1995

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