Conservation genetics
Open Access

Table 1

Composition of the 27 samples considered in the present study.

Sample n° Stations Sub-basin (Rhône tributaries) Sample sizes Year of sampling
st01 Mediterraneanseatrout Rhône and Var and sea 9 2004-2007
st02 Dranse d'Abondance Drance 22 2008
st03 Saine Ain 29 2008
st04 Merlue Ain 30 2008
st05 Ain Ain 19 2001
st06 Riotet Cance 29 2009
st07 Isère Isère 30 2010
st08 Drac Isère 20 2012
st09 Véore Véore 30 2009
st10 Dorne Eyrieux 20 2006
st11 Drôme Drôme 30 2009
st12 Bez Drôme 24 1997
st13 Ardèche Ardèche 20 2006
st14 Ouvèze Ouvèze 24 1997
st15 Cèze Cèze 20 2011
st16 Sorgue Ouvèze 20 2010
st17 Durance Durance 20 2010
st18 Lake Lauzanier Durance 15 2014
st19 Ubayette Durance 23 2000
st20 Pas-de-Calais hatchery 29 2008
st21 Seine-Maritime hatchery 30 2008
st22 Oise hatchery 20 2010
st23 Ain hatchery 30 2008
st24 Isère hatchery 30 2008
st25 Hautes-Pyrénées hatchery 28 2014
st26 Haute-Garonne hatchery 29 2011
st27 Pyrénées-Atlantiques hatchery 20 2014

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