Table 1

Variation in the numeric frequency (N%) and in the frequency of occurrence (F%; in parentheses) of prey categories in the diet of pumpkinseed Lepomis gibbosus (40–80 mm SL) in the Draa river in Northern Morocco. Prey categories with numeric frequency >10% are highlighted in bold. Sites are ordered by increasing aridity and thus by decreasing elevation.

Prey categories Overall D1 D2 D3 D4
Chironomidae 53.0 (97.6) 29.2 (100.0) 41.1 (100.0) 70.8 (100.0) 82.4 (90.5)
Ephemeroptera 20.3 (69.5) 22.1 (100.0) 43.1 (94.7) 14.3 (81.0) 0.6 (4.8)
Odonata 6.8 (56.1) 11.7 (76.2) 8.1 (57.9) 3.3 (61.9) 1.9 (28.6)
Heteroptera 7.0 (45.1) 16.6 (81.0)   3.6 (71.4) 1.9 (23.8)
Trichoptera 5.5 (41.5) 13.7 (90.5) 1.4 (15.8) 0.9 (28.6) 2.5 (28.6)
Cladocera 1.2 (17.1) 2.2 (28.6) 0.5 (10.5)   2.8 (28.6)
Ceratopogonidae 1.1 (15.9)   3.3 (31.6) 1.5 (33.3)  
Copepoda 0.7 (11.0) 1.4 (19.0) 0.2 (5.3) 0.3 (9.5) 0.6 (9.5)
Decapoda 0.2 (6.1)       1.5 (23.8)
Other prey 4.0 (53.7) 2.9 (42.9) 2.2 (42.1) 5.4 (71.4) 5.9 (57.1)
Total prey 2257 759 418 756 324
Total fish 82 21 19 21 21

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