Appendix 2

List of mtDNA CR haplotypes used for genealogical analysis, with their GenBank accession numbers. The six haplotypes detected in Japanese populations are underlined.

Haplotype Accnb Haplotype Accnb
ATcs1 AF273086 ATcs28 EF530490
ATcs2 AF273087 ATcs29 EF530491
ATcs3 AF274574 ATcs30 EF530492
ATcs4 AF274575 ATcs31 EF530493
ATcs5 AF274576 ATcs32 EF530494
ATcs6 AF274577 ATcs33 EF530495
A17 = At1f HQ848368 / DQ841193 ATcs34 EF530496
ATcs11 AY836327 ATcs35 EF530497
At11a AY185578 ATcs36 EF530498
At11b AY185579 ATcs37 EF530499
ATcs12 AY836328 ATcs38 EF530500
ATcs14 EF530476 ATcs39 EF530501
ATcs15 EF530477 ATcs41 EF530502
ATcs16 EF530478 ATcs42 EF530503
ATcs17 EF530479 ATcs43 EF530504
ATcs18 EF530480 ATcs45 EF530505
ATcs19 EF530481 ATcs46 EF530506
ATcs20 EF530482 ATcs47 EF530507
ATcs21 EF530483 ATcs48 EF530508
ATcs22 EF530484 ATcs49 EF530509
ATcs23 EF530485 ATcs50 EF530510
ATcs24 EF530486 ATcs51 EF530511
ATcs25 EF530487 ATcs52 EF530512
ATcs26 EF530488 ATcs53 MK330940
ATcs27 EF530489    

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