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Table 4

Values of the dominance (D%) and constancy (C%) indices that were calculated for the oligochaete communities in the studied ponds.

Taxon Water bodies

Freshwater Subhaline Hypohaline

D (%) C (%) D (%) C (%) D (%) C (%)
Limnodrilus hoffmeisteri Claparède, 1862 10.3 97.9 7.4 100.0 1.5 27.1
Limnodrilus claparedeanus Ratzel, 1868 5.3 76.6 3.7 93.8 0.02 2.1
Limnodrilus udekemianus Claparède, 1862 2.1 57.4 1.8 68.8
Tubifex tubifex (Müller, 1774) 0.9 53.2 0.5 39.6
Potamothrix bavaricus (Oschmann, 1913) 1.7 70.8 0.2 16.7
Potamothrix moldaviensis Vejdovský & Mrázek, 1903 2.1 66.0 2.3 70.8
Potamothrix hammoniensis (Michaelsen, 1901) 0.7 48.9 1.0 64.6
Psammoryctides barbatus (Grube, 1891) 0.7 48.9 0.7 45.8
Psammoryctides albicola (Michaelsen, 1901) 0.5 31.9 0.8 66.7
Ilyodrilus templetoni (Southern, 1909) 0.4 36.2 0.7 58.3
Aulodrilus pluriseta Bretscher, 1899 0.9 29.8
Tubificinae gen. spp. juv. 30.2 97.9 55.8 100.0 24.6 68.8
Paranais litoralis (Müller, 1784) 73.5 75.0
Chaetogaster diaphanus (Gruithuisen, 1828) 1.1 25.5
Stylaria lacustris (Linnaeus, 1767) 2.6 53.2 5.1 39.6
Ophidonais serpentina (Müller, 1774) 4.8 51.1 5.3 56.3
Dero digitata (Müller, 1774) 12.2 68.1 4.3 77.1
Specaria josinae (Veydovský, 1884) 0.9 36.2 1.1 39.6
Nais communis Piguet, 1906 12.5 48.9 1.5 47.9
Nais pardalis Piguet, 1906 3.5 40.4 0.9 35.4
Nais barbata Müller, 1774 1.5 40.4 0.7 33.3
Nais simplex Piguet, 1906 2.1 48.9 0.8 41.7
Nais elinguis Müller, 1774 0.5 38.3 3.2 64.6
Vejdovskyella comata (Vejdovský, 1884) 0.6 19.1
Uncinais uncinata (Ørsted, 1842) 0.4 12.8
Pristina longiseta Ehrenberg, 1828 0.5 19.1
Pristina aequiseta Bourne,1891 0.6 19.1
Lumbriculus variegatus (Müller, 1774) 1.8 48.9 0.4 27.1
Enchytraeidae 0.2 19.1 0.3 16.7
Total individuals 5648 6569 4975
Density (ind./m2) (range) 0-2709  144-5083  0-7808
Mean density (ind./m2) 641 730 553
Mean wet weight (g m−2) 0.916 0.617 0.419
Total number of species 25 20 4
Mean number of species 11 11 1
Mean values of the Shannon-Wiener index 1.640 2.042 0.879

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