Figs. 20–27

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Stagnant waters. 20–21 Oxbows. 20–pool in the Morava River floodplain, A. cygnea. 21–old oxbow of the Labe River near Pardubice. Many oxbows are too old and without occurrence of unionids. 22–23 Dam reservoirs. 22–Želivka dam water reservoir is inhabited by very abundant population of invasive D. polymorpha. U. pictorum, A. anatina. 23–shallow and extensive Nové Mlýny dam water reservoirs were built near the confluence of rivers Dyje, Svratka and Jihlava on the place of valuable floodplain forest. U. pictorum, U. tumidus, A. anatina, A. cygnea. 24–25–Fishponds. 24–Břehyňský rybník pond in Kokořínsko − Máchův kraj Protected Landscape Area. Some fishponds situated in protected areas are still suitable for abundant populations of unionids. U. pictorum, A. anatina, A. cygnea. 25–Kotvice fishpond in the Odra River floodplain in Poodří Protected Landscape Area. A. cygnea. 26–27–Sandpits and quarries. 26–Sandspit near Sadská in the Labe River floodplain. Sandspits in floodplains can substitute disappearing oxbows. U. pictorum, U. tumidus, A. anatina. 27–Artificial Lake Medard. These habitats are still without unionids but can become suitable habitats for abundant populations of unionids that inhabit standing waters. All photos by author.
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