Figs. 12–19

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Running waters. 12–15 Large rivers. 12–Labe (Elbe) River in Děčín (near Czech − German boundary). Only short section of this river has a relatively natural character but the construction of the weir has been prepared. U. pictorum, A. anatina. 13–Labe (Elbe) River in Mělník. The major part of this river has been changed by weirs in slowly flowing shipping canal. U. pictorum, A. anatina. 14–Dyje River downstream of Břeclav (Czech − Austrian boundary). This river has a natural character in this section. U. crassus, U. pictorum, U. tumidus, A. anatina, A. cygnea, P. complanata, S. woodiana. 15–Svratka River upstream of the Nové Mlýny dam water reservoirs was drastically regulated. U. pictorum, U. tumidus, A. anatina. 16–19 Small watercourses. 16–Jevišovka River near Hrušovany nad Jevišovkou. The major part of smaller watercourses has been regulated in the same way as this river. U. pictorum, U. tumidus, A. anatina. 17–Lukavecký potok Brook. Many small watercourses are situated in intensively cultivated landscape surrounded by arable land. Abundant population of U. crassus. 18–Oslava River near Oslavany. U. crassus, A. anatina. 19–artificial canal of the Bečva River near Hovězí has been inhabited by an abundant population of U. crassus.
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