Table 2

Dates of piscivorous fish stocking into bioregulated lakes in 2013–2014 and numbers of the piscivorous fish individuals stocked. Age of the stocked fish: 0+: one-summer-old fish; 1+: two-summer-old fish; etc.

Lake Date E. lucius (ind./ha) P. fluviatilis (ind./ha)
Beržuvis  2013.10.04 0+ (600) 2+–5+ (250)
2014.10.02 0+ (300) 2+–5+ (125)
Bevardis  2014.10.11 0+ (300) 2+–5+ (125)
2015.10.04 0+ (300) 2+–5+ (125)
Cirkliškis  2013.10.21 1+ (200)
2014.04.25 1 (100)
Stūgliai  2013.10.21 0+ (600)
2014.10.09 0+ (250) 2+–5+ (125)

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