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Table 2

Caddisflies (Trichoptera) recorded in the reservoirs R1, R2 and R3. FG − functional group based on feeding and current preferences, Wze − stenotopy index of the species, Den − density (per sample), D − dominance, C − constancy of occurrence. Eudominant species given in bold.

No. Species Code FG Wze Reservoir 1 Reservoir 2 Reservoir 3

      Feeding Current   Den D C Den D C Den D C
1. Agraylea sexmaculata Curt. Agr_sex alg-pie lib 16 4 1.57 8
2. Agrypnia obsoleta (Hag.) Agr_obs pre-shr lip 8 6 2.36 8
3. Agrypnia pagetana Curt. Agr_pag pre-shr lib 8 4.86 13.39 58 5 4.29 15
4. Agrypnia picta Kol. Agr_pic pre-shr lip 16 1 0.39 8
5. Agrypnia varia (Fabr.) Agr_var pre-shr lib 8 6 4.72 17 1 0.56 8
–. Agrypnia sp. 2 1.57 17
–. Anabolia sp. Ana_sp shr-pre lip 8 1.33 0.86 12
6. Athripsodes aterrimus (Steph.) Ath_ate shr lrp 16 10.33 17.22 25 2.67 3.43 23
–. Ceraclea sp. Cer_sp -– 3 1.67 8
7. Cyrnus crenaticornis (Kol.) Cyr_cre pre lib 16 7.40 14.57 42 11.33 18.89 25 16 10.3 12
8. Cyrnus flavidus McL. Cyr_fla pre lib 16 4.67 7.78 25 18.83 24.25 23
9. Cyrnus insolutus McL. Cyr_ins pre lip 16 2 1.11 8 1 0.43 8
–. Cyrnus sp. 3 1.67 8 1 0.21 4
10. Ecnomus tenellus (Ramb.) Ecn_ten pre lip 8 6.13 10.52 38
11. Holocentropus dubius (Ramb.) Hol_dub pre lib 16 1 0.39 8
12. Leptocerus tineiformis Curt. Lep_tin shr lib 16 2.50 3.94 33 4.25 9.44 33
13. Limnephilus decipiens (Kol.) Lim_dec shr-pre lib 16 1 0.56 8
14. Limnephilus flavicornis (Fabr.) Lim_fla shr-pre lip 8 8 6.3 17 2 0.43 4
15. Limnephilus nigriceps (Zett.) Lim_nig shr-pre lip 16 6 2.36 8 1 0.56 8
16. Limnephilus politus McL. Lim_pol shr-pre lip 16 3.50 2.76 17 1 0.21 4
17. Limnephilus stigma Curt. Lim_sti shr-pre lib 1 10 3.94 8 2 0.43 4
–. Limnephilus sp. 15.75 58 3 5 25 4 1.72 8
18. Molanna angustata Curt. Mol_ang pre lip 16 6 2.36 8 1 0.43 8
19. Mystacides longicornis (L.) Mys_lon gat lip 16 2 1.57 17 14.33 23.89 33 12.4 13.3 19
20. Mystacides nigra (L.) Mys_nig gat lip 16 3.27 7.73 42
21. Oecetis furva (Ramb.) Oec_fur shr-pre lib 16 1.67 1.97 25 1 1.67 25 10.05 9.01 15
22. Oecetis ochracea (Curt.) Oec_och pre lib 16 1 0.39 8 2.33 1.5 12
23. Orthotrichia costalis (Curt.) Ort_cos alg-pie lib 16 6 3.33 5.33 3.43 12
24. Phryganea bipunctata Retz. Phr_bip pre-shr lib 16 1 0.39 8 6.67 4.29 12
25. Phryganea grandis L. Phr_gra pre-shr lib 16 2.60 5.12 42 8 2.25 1.93 15
26. Triaenodes bicolor (Curt.) Tri_bic shr lib 16 12 14.17 25 4 6.67 25 2 1.29 12
  Number of species 19 12 19
  Number of individuals 254 180 466
  Mean density 4.48 4.66 5.3

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