Open Access

Table 2

Sampling locations and individuals captured.

Local name Code (Fig. 1) Aggregation code for statistical analyses River name Coordinates (WGS 84) Total individuals collected Male individuals Genetic sequences obtained Sample date
N°370 bridge road 1 a Divor River 38°46′33.98″ N 7°59′44.49″W 20 3 19 06/03/2014
N°2 bridge road 2 b Divor River 38°52′56.18″ N 8°10′17.07″W 12 1 12 02/19/2014
Ferrarias 3 b Divor River 38°54′08.77″ N 8°15′39.40″W 25 15 24 02/19/2014
Paço 4 c Raia River 38°57′21.01″ N 8°10′09.08″ W 81 35 48 02/19/2014
Coruche 5 d Sorraia River 38°57′12.06″ N 8°31′8.95″ W 56 9 46 12/03/2014
Santo Estevão 6 e Canha Stream 38°51′22.35″ N 8°44′34.17″ W 10 1 10 05/03/2014
Benavente 7 e Sorraia River 38°59′30.11″ N 8°48′46.62″ W 6 4 6 05/03/2014
Paul Magos 8 f Magos Stream 39°2′9.97″ N 8°44′16.95″ W 7 3 7 05/03/2014
Granho 9 g Lamarosa Stream 39°5′48.08″ N 8°38′30.05″ W 16 5 14 05/03/2014
Raposa 10 g Muge River 39° 6′44.63″ N 8°34′41.38″ W 3 2 0 05/03/2014

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