Open Access
Table 2
Summary (p-values) of ANOVAS comparing leaf decay and invertebrate parameters in mesh bags, as well as periphyton parameters on tiles between flow increase and control treatments. Significant effects (p < 0.05) of flow are marked in bold, p-values < 0.1 are marked in italics.
Dependent variable | Flow increase | Ranking |
Leaf litter decomposition rate | ||
Coarse mesh bags (k) | 0.099 | Control < flood |
Fine mesh bags (k) | 0.204 | |
Coarse-fine (k) | 0.925 | |
Drift | ||
Number of drifting individuals | 0.086 | Control < flood |
Invertebrates in coarse mesh bags | ||
Total invertebrate density | 0.162 | |
Taxon richness | 0.433 | |
EPT richness | 0.273 | |
Shannon–Wiener diversity | 0.286 | |
% Rheophile | 0.354 | |
Proportion of grazers/scrapers | 0.180 | |
Proportion of shredders | 0.678 | |
Proportion of gathering collectors | 0.548 | |
Proportion of predators | 0.295 | |
Periphyton | ||
Total Chl a | 0.108 | |
Cyanobacteria | 0.026* | Flood < control |
Diatoms | 0.177 | |
Green algae | 0.009* | Flood < control |
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