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Table 1

Characteristics of the Baekjae nature-like, Sejong nature-like, Gongju ice harbor, and Jamsil pool-and-weir-type fishways.

  Baekjae nature-like fishway Sejong nature-like fishway Gongju concrete fishway Jamsil concrete fishway
Structure Nature-like channel. Two nature-like pools Nature-like channel. Repetitive runs and riffles Ice harbor type, made of concrete Pool and weir type, made of concrete
Length 820 m 355 m 140 m 228 m
Width 6 m 4–6 m 6 m 4 m
Depth 0.3–1.1 m 0.2–1 m 0.7 m 1 m
Slope 0.2° 0.5° 2.9° 2.5°
Velocity 0.12–0.54 m s−1 0.3–1.3 m s−1 0.3–0.9 m s−1 0.8 m s−1
Bed material Sediment bed and boulders Sediment bed and boulders Concrete Concrete and boulders
Vegetation Presence Presence Absence Absence

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