Open Access

Table 1

Taxa list and number of individuals obtained in the Lemme stream (Order and Family, except Hydrachnidia). D = daytime; N = nighttime (35 Surber in both cases).

Order Family D abundance N abundance
Plecoptera Capniidae 3 3
Chloroperlidae 1 0
Leuctridae 75 71
Nemouridae 31 14
Perlodidae 0 2
Taeniopterygidae 670 894
Ephemeroptera Baetidae 265 272
Caenidae 0 2
Ephemeridae 2 3
Heptageniidae 21 17
Leptophlebiidae 21 11
Trichoptera Beraeidae 2 2
Ecnomidae 0 1
Goeridae 1 0
Hydropsychidae 298 248
Hydroptilidae 2 2
Leptoceridae 6 12
Limnephilidae 2 4
Polycentropodidae 3 1
Psychomyidae 13 9
Rhyacophilidae 96 113
Sericostomatidae 2 2
Diptera Athericidae 4 0
Blephariceridae 0 6
Chironomidae 9432 7610
Empididae 9 8
Limoniidae 62 51
Psychodidae 4 3
Simuliidae 144 577
Stratiomyidae 3 1
Tipulidae 3 4
Coleoptera Dryopidae 1 1
Elmidae 36 39
Gyrinidae 3 3
Hydraenidae 2 1
Scirtidae 1 0
Odonata Aeshnidae 5 6
Gomphidae 7 18
Pulmonata Ancylidae 1 3
Lymnaeidae 0 3
Physidae 1 1
Amphipoda Gammaridae 3 6
Isopoda Asellidae 0 2
Tubificida (Oligochaeta) Naididae 51 99
Opisthopora (Oligochaeta) Lumbricidae 6 6
Lumbriculida (Oligochaeta) Lumbriculidae 0 2
Arhynchobdellida Erpobdellidae 0 2
Tricladida Dugesiidae 6 8
Gordea (Nematoda) Gordiidae 1 3
Trombidiformes Hydrachnidia 8 6

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