Table 3

Summary of PCo axes score (based on Gower distances) for fish species traits (capital letters are coded abbreviations used as labels in Fig. 2). Trait descriptions are based on a priori information from the literatures (see Methods).

Axis 1 (46%) Axis 2 (21%)
Fractional spawner (SPWN F; 0.256) Migration Long (MIG L; 0.222)
Lentic (LEN; 0.327) Marine spawner (SPWN M; 0.222)
Marine spawner (SPWN M; 0.143) General spawner (SPWN G; 0.050)
Migratory long (MIG L; 0.143) Trophic omnivore (TRP O; 0.180)
Trophic omnivore (TRP O; 0.130) Trophic invertivore (TRP I; 0.042)
General spawner (SPWN G; 0.100)
Habitat quality (HQ; –0.004)
Migration Potamodromous (MIG P; –0.256) Water quality (WQ; –0.022)
Trophic invertivore (TRP I; –0.256) Lentic (LEN; -0.065)
Autmn spawning (SPWN A; –0.256) Fractional spawner (SPWN F; –0.102)

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