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Selecting fish‐based metrics responding to human pressures in French natural lakes and reservoirs: towards the development of a fish‐based index (FBI) for French lakes
The effects of limnological features on fish assemblages of 14 Spanish reservoirs
J. Carol, L. Benejam, C. Alcaraz, A. Vila‐Gispert, L. Zamora, E. Navarro, J. Armengol and E. García‐Berthou Ecology of Freshwater Fish 15(1) 66 (2006)
Development of a Fish Based Lake Typology for Natural Austrian Lakes >50 ha Based on the Reconstructed Historical Fish Communities
Hubert Gassner, Josef Wanzenböck, Daniela Zick, Gerhard Tischler and Barbara Pamminger‐Lahnsteiner International Review of Hydrobiology 90(4) 422 (2005)
Native and introduced fish species richness in French lakes: local and regional influences