Table 2

Mean (m) ± S.D. standard length (SL, mm) and weight (W, g) of pumpkinseed age groups at five Ukrainian localities. n = number of fish.

Parameters Age n SL W

m±sd min–max m±sd min–max
Lake Kartal 1+ 9 56.3±5.9 45.0–64.0 5.7±1.6 3.3–8.8
2+ 10 60.1±5.5 51.0–68.0 7.1±1.8 3.7–10.1
Total 19 58.3±5.8 45.0–68.0 6.4±1.8 3.3–10.1
Sukhyi Lyman 4 3 125.7±5.1 120.0–130.0 67.4±10.7 56.6–77.9
5 8 135.2±10.2 112.0–143.0 93.3±19.2 55.3–119.1
Total 11 132.6±9.9 112.0–143.0 86.2±20.7 55.3–119.1
Khadzhibey Lyman 3 4 84.0±13.2 68.0–99.0 20.9±10.1 9.5–33.7
4 9 108.3±4.2 103.0–115.0 46.5±6.3 39.3–56.5
5 7 117.7±3.0 113.0–122.0 59.0±5.9 48.7–65.2
Total 20 106.7±13.9 68.0–122.0 45.8±15.4 9.5–65.2
Lower Dnieper 1 1 49.0 3.4
2 7 52.2±1.9 50.0–55.0 3.9±0.4 3.3–4.3
3 13 56.5±2.8 53.0–62.0 4.9±1.1 3.8–7.2
Total 21 54.9±3.5 49.0–62.0 4.6±1.1 3.3–7.2
Lake Almazne 2 1 58.0 5.0
3 18 68.1±4.8 58.0–78.8 11.0±2.4 6.3–17.3
4 2 86.5±6.4 82.0–91.0 21.5±4.7 18.2–24.8
Total 21 69.4±7.7 58.0–91.0 11.7±4.3 5.0–24.8

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