Fig. 2
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Percent contributions by number of each prey category to the diet of pumpkinseed Lepomis gibbosus and the cichlid Australoheros facetus in allopatric (Degebe and Vascão) and sympatric (Ardila) sites in the Lower Guadiana Basin, during the early (a) and late (b) dry-season. The values above each column are the number of individuals with non-empty stomachs (n, in italics) and the number of prey items (N, in bold) in each sample. Prey code are: CHI, Chrironomidae; EPH, Ephemeroptera; HEM, Hemiptera; TRI, Trichoptera; OST, Ostracoda; CLA, Cladocera; COP, Copepoda; HYD, Hydracarina; MOL, Mollusca; Other, Other prey.
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