Table 1

Mean density, density range and percentage of occurrence of Pyrenean sculpin Cottus hispaniolensis in the sampling sites during the period 2001–2016. Information of sampling sites subjected to flow regulation is also included.

River Code Regulated N Occurrence (%) Mean density ± SD (ind. ha−1) Range (ind. ha−1)
Garonne 1 No 5 83 167.8 ± 167.4 0–416.7
Garonne 2 Yes 5 67 41.9 ± 57.1 0–138.9
Garonne 3 Yes 5 100 130.8 ± 111.6 24.4–258.1
Garonne 4 Yes 5 67 49.3 ± 57.3 0–133.3
Garonne 5 Yes 5 67 49.1 ± 54.7 0–111.1
Garonne 6 Yes 5 33 8.9 ± 19.9 0–44.4
Garonne 7 Yes 4 60 14.9 ± 27.1 0–55.6
Ruda 8 No 5 0
Unhola 9 No 5 0
Aiguamòg 10 No 4 60 64.4 ± 106.5 0–222.2
Valarties 11 No 5 0
Nere 12 No 4 60 107.8 ± 135.5 0–281.1
Varradòs 13 No 5 100 288.5 ± 146.2 121.0–500.0
Joeu 14 No 5 83 306.1 ± 388.1 0–925.9
Toran 15 Yes 5 0

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