Open Access

Table 2

Effects of different input data on the STAR_ICMi index. Observed is the index score counting all the individuals; CI = confidence interval, the precision calculated using bootstrap. Estimate is the index score when the abundance of the most abundant taxa was estimated; rank, class and presence is the index score when the real input data were reduced to rank, classes and presence respectively.

River Observed CI Estimate Rank Class Presence
Arnò high 0.826 0.775–0.865 0.895 0.986 0.851 0.873
Arnò low 0.767 0.746–0.774 0.783 0.749 0.675 0.675
Aurino 0.804 0.787–0.823 0.822 0.840 0.741 0.742
Barnes 0.557 0.477–0.584 0.584 0.621 0.551 0.574
Fleres 1.100 1.046–1.119 1.068 1.061 0.945 0.928
Manez 0.628 0.585–0.656 0.640 0.658 0.574 0.583
Pescara 0.724 0.699–0.747 0.730 0.769 0.681 0.681
Selva 1.012 0.960–1.053 0.993 0.943 0.841 0.830

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