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Life-history traits of the invasive and biggest European freshwater fish, the wels catfish (Silurus glanis) show high potential for colonisation in Southern Europe
Jacques Panfili, Delphine Nicolas, Khady Diop, Alain J. Crivelli and Gerry Closs Marine and Freshwater Research 75(18) (2024)
Patterns of genetic variation in native and non-native populations of European catfish Silurus glanis across Europe
Voracious invader or benign feline? A review of the environmental biology of European catfish Silurus glanis in its native and introduced ranges*
Gordon H Copp, J Robert Britton, Julien Cucherousset, Emili García‐Berthou, Ruth Kirk, Edmund Peeler and Saulius Stakėnas Fish and Fisheries 10(3) 252 (2009)