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Protein profile of seminal plasma and functionality of spermatozoa during the reproductive season in the common carp (Cyprinus carpio) and rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)
Anna Shaliutina‐Kolešová, Petr Kotas, Jan Štěrba, Marek Rodina, Borys Dzyuba, Jacky Cosson and Otomar Linhart Molecular Reproduction and Development 83(11) 968 (2016)
Changes in Sperm Production, Sperm Motility, and Composition of Seminal Fluid in Caspian Brown Trout,Salmo trutta caspius,Over the Course of a Spawning Season
The ageing phenomenon of turbot spermatozoa: effects on morphology, motility and concentration, intracellular ATP content, fertilization, and storage capacities