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Conservation Status and Effectiveness of the National and International Policies for the Protection and Conservation of Sturgeons in the Danube River and Black Sea Basin

Daniela Strat and Iuliana Gheorghe
Diversity 15 (4) 568 (2023)

Habitat selection by juvenile European sturgeon Acipenser sturio in the Gironde estuary (France)

C. Taverny, M. Lepage, S. Piefort, P. Dumont and E. Rochard
Journal of Applied Ichthyology 18 (4-6) 536 (2002)

Biological characteristics of European Atlantic sturgeon, Acipenser sturio, as the basis for a restoration program in France

Patrick Williot, Eric Rochard, Gérard Castelnaud, et al.
Environmental Biology of Fishes 48 (1-4) 359 (1997)

Sturgeon Biodiversity and Conservation

Patrick Williot, Eric Rochard, Gérard Castelnaud, et al.
Developments in Environmental Biology of Fishes, Sturgeon Biodiversity and Conservation 17 359 (1997)

Croissance en longueur de trois esturgeons d'Amerique du Nord: Acipenser oxyrhynchus Mitchill, Acipenser fulvescens Raffinesque et Acipenser brévirostris Le Sueur

Etienne Magnin
SIL Proceedings, 1922-2010 15 (2) 968 (1964)