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Cited article:

The King's aquatic desires: 16th‐century fish and crayfish introductions into Spain

Miguel Clavero
Fish and Fisheries 23 (6) 1251 (2022)

Inference of local invasion pathways in two invasive crayfish species displaying contrasting genetic patterns

Ivan Paz‐Vinas, Iris Lang, Paul Millet, Charlotte Veyssière, Géraldine Loot and Julien Cucherousset
Journal of Applied Ecology 58 (12) 2854 (2021)

One century away from home: how the red swamp crayfish took over the world

Francisco J. Oficialdegui, Marta I. Sánchez and Miguel Clavero
Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries 30 (1) 121 (2020)