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The Chironomidae (Diptera) diversity in the Balkan Peninsula spring systems and other small water bodies
Mateusz Płóciennik, Violeta Berlajolli, Dejan Dmitrović, Bogić Gligorović, Vladimir Pešić and Piotr Gadawski International Journal of Limnology 59 6 (2023)
Cryptic taxonomic diversity and high-latitude melanism in the glossiphoniid leech assemblage from the Eurasian Arctic
Benthic invertebrate assemblages and leaf‐litter breakdown along the eucrenal–hypocrenal ecotone of a rheocrene spring in Central Italy: Are there spatial and seasonal differences?
Antonio Di Sabatino, Luca Coscieme, Francesco Paolo Miccoli and Giovanni Cristiano Ecohydrology 14(5) (2021)
Seasonal variation in the invertebrate community and diet of a top fish predator in a thermally stable spring
Vladimir Pešić, Michał Grabowski, Sead Hadžiablahović, Drago Marić and Momir Paunović The Handbook of Environmental Chemistry, The Rivers of Montenegro 93 157 (2019)
Environmental factors affecting water mite assemblages along eucrenon-hypocrenon gradients in Mediterranean karstic springs