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Genomic resources of aquatic Lepidoptera, Elophila obliteralis and Hyposmocoma kahamanoa, reveal similarities with Trichoptera in amino acid composition of major silk genes
Jacqueline Heckenhauer, David Plotkin, Jose I Martinez, Jacob Bethin, Steffen U Pauls, Paul B Frandsen, Akito Y Kawahara and K Vogel G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics 14(9) (2024)
Plant–moth community relationships at the degraded urban peat‐bog in Central Europe
Mateusz Płóciennik, Krzysztof Pabis, Angelika Zima, Leszek Kucharski and Robert Sobczyk Ecology and Evolution 13(2) (2023)
A Maastrichtian insect assemblage from Patagonia sheds light on arthropod diversity previous to the K/Pg event
Ezequiel I. Vera, Mateo D. Monferran, Julieta Massaferro, Lara M. Sabater, Oscar F. Gallego, Valeria S. Perez Loinaze, Damián Moyano-Paz, Federico L. Agnolín, Makoto Manabe, Takanobu Tsuhiji and Fernando E. Novas Communications Biology 6(1) (2023)
Tim R. New 21 (2023)
“Lepidoptera Flies”, but Not Always…Interactions of Caterpillars and Chrysalis with Soil