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Detection of the Endangered Stone Crayfish Austropotamobius torrentium (Schrank, 1803) and Its Congeneric A. pallipes in Its Last Italian Biotope by eDNA Analysis
Chiara Manfrin, Massimo Zanetti, David Stanković, Umberto Fattori, Victoria Bertucci-Maresca, Piero G. Giulianini and Alberto Pallavicini Diversity 14(3) 205 (2022)
Overlooked keystone species in conservation plans of fluvial ecosystems in Southeast Europe: a review of native freshwater crayfish species
Milan Danilović, Ivana Maguire and Leopold Füreder Knowledge & Management of Aquatic Ecosystems (423) 21 (2022)
Mating Strategies of Invasive Versus Indigenous Crayfish: Multiple Paternity as a Driver for Invasion Success?