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Procambarus virginalis Lyko, 2017: A new threat to Iberian inland waters

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Investigating the genetic and epigenetic basis of big biological questions with the parthenogenetic marbled crayfish: A review and perspectives

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MtDNA allows the sensitive detection and haplotyping of the crayfish plague disease agentAphanomyces astacishowing clues about its origin and migration

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First records of the non-indigenous signal crayfish (Pacifastacus leniusculus) and its threat to noble crayfish (Astacus astacus) populations in Estonia

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Salinity tolerance of marbled crayfishProcambarus fallaxf.virginalis

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Risk assessment of pet-traded decapod crustaceans in the Republic of Kazakhstan, the leading country in Central Asia

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Aphanomyces astaci presence in Japan: a threat to the endemic and endangered crayfish species Cambaroides japonicus?

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Irresponsible vendors: Non‐native, invasive and threatened animals offered for garden pond stocking

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Slovak section of the Danube has its well-established breeding ground of marbled crayfishProcambarus fallaxf.virginalis

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Apparent interspecific transmission of Aphanomyces astaci from invasive signal to virile crayfish in a sympatric wild population

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Positive selection of beautiful invaders: long-term persistence and bio-invasion risk of freshwater crayfish in the pet trade

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Ecosystem of Caspian Sea threatened by pet-traded non-indigenous crayfish

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Biological Invasions 19 (7) 2207 (2017)

East European crayfish stocks at risk: arrival of non-indigenous crayfish species

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Knowledge & Management of Aquatic Ecosystems (417) 37 (2016)

Predictions of marbled crayfish establishment in conurbations fulfilled: Evidences from the Czech Republic

Jiří Patoka, Miloš Buřič, Vojtěch Kolář, et al.
Biologia 71 (12) 1380 (2016)

The alien, parthenogenetic marbled crayfish (Decapoda: Cambaridae) is entering Kis-Balaton (Hungary), one of Europe’s most important wetland biotopes

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Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems (417) 16 (2016)

The bad and the super-bad: prioritising the threat of six invasive alien to three imperilled native crayfishes

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Prevalence of the pathogen Aphanomyces astaci in freshwater crayfish populations in Croatia

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Distribution of crayfish species in Hungarian waters

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The marbled crayfish as a paradigm for saltational speciation by autopolyploidy and parthenogenesis in animals

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Biology Open 4 (11) 1583 (2015)