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High variation of virulence in Aphanomyces astaci strains lacks association with pathogenic traits and mtDNA haplogroups

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Short-term artificial incubation before hatching limits vertical transmission of Aphanomyces astaci from chronically infected females of a host species susceptible to crayfish plague

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Is Aphanomyces astaci Losing its Stamina: A Latent Crayfish Plague Disease Agent From Lake Venesjärvi, Finland

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Essential Oils of Sage, Rosemary, and Bay Laurel Inhibit the Life Stages of Oomycete Pathogens Important in Aquaculture

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Preliminary survey of Aphanomyces sp. associated with native and invasive crayfish in the Lower Susquehanna watershed of South Central Pennsylvania

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Crayfish plague in Czechia: Outbreaks from novel sources and testing for chronic infections

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Non-destructive method for detecting Aphanomyces astaci, the causative agent of crayfish plague, on the individual level

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The spatial distribution ofAphanomyces astacigenotypes across Europe: introducing the first data from Ukraine

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Towards a cohesive strategy for the conservation of the United States’ diverse and highly endemic crayfish fauna

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The signal crayfish (Pacifastacus leniusculus) in Lake Tahoe (USA) hosts multiple Aphanomyces species

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Growth, Survival and Spore Formation of the Pathogenic Aquatic Oomycete Aphanomyces astaci and Fungus Fusarium avenaceum Are Inhibited by Zanthoxylum rhoifolium Bark Extracts In Vitro

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New genotyping method for the causative agent of crayfish plague (Aphanomyces astaci) based on whole genome data

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Aphanomyces astaci isolate from latently infected stone crayfish (Austropotamobius torrentium) population is virulent

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Chronic crayfish plague infection and eroded swimmeret syndrome in Lake Saimaa (Finland) signal crayfish

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Hosts and transmission of the crayfish plague pathogen Aphanomyces astaci: a review

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First detection of the crayfish plague pathogen Aphanomyces astaci in South America: a high potential risk to native crayfish

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Predicting harvest of non-native signal crayfish in lakes — a role for changing climate?

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Histological changes and antioxidant enzyme activity in signal crayfish (Pacifastacus leniusculus) associated with sub-acute peracetic acid exposure

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Eroded swimmeret syndrome in female crayfish Pacifastacus leniusculus associated with Aphanomyces astaci and Fusarium spp. infections

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Numerous population crashes of wild signal crayfish (Pacifastacus leniusculus) in southern Finland

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